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Mein einkauf does not deliver paid goods

Malin I-L MeinEinkauf AG 27.08.2020 Melden Reklamation gemeldet

Hello my shopping,

I placed an order of around 200 chf with you, which was received by Meinkauf on Friday July 23rd at 10.39.

Now, over a month later, you still have not sent me my package. And you also have not replied to any of my emails or calls in the past weeks. 

I had three good experiences with you previously, but this time I'm not sure what is going on. But I will not stop until you send me what is mine. 

Order no: 566877800



  • Andere Deliver my goods

MeinEinkauf AG 27.08.2020

Guten Tag Malin

Wir Danken Ihnen für Ihre Nachricht. Leider lag uns zu Ihrer Bestellung 566877800 kein Nachweis für die Bezahlung der Ware vor. Hintergrund hierfür ist, dass wir nur Ware an Sie weiterleiten können, die bereits vollständig bezahlt ist:

Wir haben mit Ihnen das Anliegen am 27.08.2020 gelöst und bitten um eine faire Bewertung. 

Freundliche Grüsse

Dear Mein einkauf, It is true that you cannot deliver unpaid goods and that is fair enough. But if you would have just contacted me a month ago when you first had doubts about my shipment, or returned my calls and emails, we could solved this very quickly - as my goods were in fact paid before delivery. So your assumption that is was unpaid was wrong. However, I do appreciate you getting in touch with me today and I’m happy we have been able to figure it out now. Looking forward to receiving my shipment within a few days. Best, Malin